Keep Grapevine Beautiful 

Mustang Drive Clean-Up
Volunteer Registration

Amy Beyer Realtor in Grapevine, Texas, is part of a community where initiatives like "Keep Grapevine Beautiful" play a crucial role.


2025 Clean-Up Dates

- February 22
- April 26
- June 28
- August 23
- October 25


Start times vary by season (8am in hot summer months).


Meeting location: 2563 SW Grapevine Pkwy.


This community event is held every other month in connection with Grapevine's Happy to Help Saturdays.


High school students can receive 2 community service hours.


Must be 14 years old to participate and requires adult supervision.


Parents of participants UNDER 14 YRS OLD must sign a waiver -> click here.


Supplies and breakfast provided.

Clean-up area is Heritage Ave. east up to the 121 Overpass near Knock outs restaurant. Clean up includes Both sides of Mustang Dr. and the center medians. Participants must wear a safety vest if working along the side of the road. 


Volunteer groups greatly appreciated.
